Thursday 20 November 2008

Graffiti Wall


Its just over a week before Fenvac the regional art organisation is holding an Open Sudios Event to coincide with the town switching on its Christmas Lights. Mine is one of three venues where members will be able to show their work and chat with visitors, not to mention also sell lots of art!!!!!. Over the last few months I have been insulating and having fitted better heating in my studio to make it more pleasant during winter. This part of the work is now complete and as well as having background rolls of paper I have had a local young artist Ellie to graffitti one of my walls in a way thats suitable to use as a backdrop. The picture shows her working away and achieving exactly what i wanted in that there are no harsh lines to detract from portraits.

I have already used it for a portrait commission where the younger members of that family loved being able to have their photos taken against such a wacky wall. Thanks Ellie for doing such a great job as I am sure it will be a unique selling point for the area.

I will still accept votes for my next project as I will not be starting it untill the weekend with shoes winning by a little toe at the moment over musical instruments.

I will post some of the new project images after the weekend for you co comment on.


1 comment:

artfulzebra said...

That's my girl! ;o)