Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sorry its been so long


Sorry its been so long since I posted last but time seems to have disapeared so fast this year. Having done a couple of joint exhibitions, an open studio event and covered some varied events including BMF Tail end which was great as was CLA Game Fair.

I have purchased equipment for "on site" printing so people can buy the mounted prints on the day so will be covering Proms and Black tie events as well as Equestrian Shows. My daughter staffed the printer and did the sales for me at our first proper event which was showjumping at Forest Edge Equestrian Centre in Norfolk. She did great so a big thanks to her.

Oh nearly forgot we have also had the launch of the charity calendar I shot and the local paper gave us the front cover and page 3 (approropraite I guess given the subject matter lol )

I promise ( yes I know I have promised before) to regularly update this blog so bear with me.

Here are a couple of the images from the calendar which are on sale now